OpenIoT Architecture for IoT/Cloud Convergence - BunksAllowed

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OpenIoT Architecture for IoT/Cloud Convergence

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The OpenIoT architecture is a framework for integrating IoT and cloud computing, focusing on the Sensor Middleware, Cloud Computing Infrastructure, Directory Service, Global Scheduler, Local Scheduler, Service Delivery and Utility Manager, Request Definition tool, Request Presentation component, and Configuration and Monitoring component. 
The Sensor Middleware collects, filters, and combines data streams from virtual sensors or physical-sensing devices, acting as a hub between the OpenIoT platform and the physical world. It facilitates the interface to various physical and virtual sensors, such as IETF-COAP-compliant sensors, data streams from other IoT platforms, and social networks.

The Cloud Computing Infrastructure stores data streams from the sensor middleware, acting as a cloud database and storing metadata for various services. The directory service stores information about all available sensors in the OpenIoT platform, providing means for registering and looking-up of sensors. The IoT/cloud architecture specifies the use of semantically annotated descriptions of sensors as part of its directory service.
The Global Scheduler processes all requests for on-demand deployment of services and ensures proper access to resources. The Local Scheduler component optimizes access to resources managed by sensor middleware instances, while the Service Delivery and Utility Manager combines data streams as indicated by service workflows within the OpenIoT system to deliver the requested service.
The Request Definition tool enables specification of service requests to the OpenIoT platform, featuring a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The Request Presentation component visualizes the outputs of an IoT service, with service integrators and solution providers having the option to enhance or override this functionality.
Lastly, the Configuration and Monitoring component enables management and configuration functionalities over sensors and IoT services deployed within the platform. This component is supported by a GUI.
In summary, the OpenIoT architecture combines IoT and cloud computing, enabling seamless interaction between the physical world and the virtual world. The sensor middleware, Cloud Computing Infrastructure, Directory Service, Service Delivery and Utility Manager, Request Definition tool, Request Presentation, Configuration and Monitoring component, and other components contribute to the overall functionality of the OpenIoT architecture.
The OpenIoT platform uses data collected and streamed into the cloud through GSN sensor middleware. The workflow involves formulating a request for an IoT service using the Request Definition tool, submitting it to the Global Scheduler component, and specifying the needed sensors and processing type. The scheduler then parses the request and discovers the required sensors using the Directory Service. The service is then created, persistent in the cloud, and executed by end users based on the target service's handle. The results are visualized for visualization.

Happy Exploring!

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